Liberty AF Podcast

We released our very first Liberty AF Podcast and we are excited to share and get feedback. Though this website is heavily focused on the technical side of removing oneself from the clutches of Big Tech the podcast is a medium that allows us to talk about a range of topics from politics and news as well as any tech related information or privacy concerns.

Liberty AF Podcast #1

That’s my only goal. Surround myself with funny people, and make sure everyone has a good time and works hard.

Joe Rogan

We would love to hear any feedback you might have for us. We are just getting the infrastructure setup and we are very excited to progress with the website, content, podcast and video guides. Thank you for taking the time to support us and we look forward to getting to know everyone soon as we are working on new community tools that promote the decentralization of communication and support censorship resistant open source technology in the process.

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